Friday, 24 July 2015

Are you happy now?


A few weeks ago, I bumped into a work colleague at Woolies. It was somewhat awkward because all I had in my shopping basket was a lonely cucumber.

Colleague: Nikita! Is that all you're having for lunch??
*eyes me as if I'm going anorexic*

Me: No, no... this is for something else.

Colleague: You've lost so much more weight.

Me: Haha... (always awkward)

Colleague: Are you happy now?

Excuse the rant but... WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT? Am I HAPPY?! In what world do you live in where skinny equates happiness? And was I supposed to have been a miserable pudgy mess when I was fatter? Do you picture me crying on my bed stuffing my face with oreos while lamenting my double chin and fat rolls? Do you think if you lose weight you'll be happier?

But... maybe I misunderstood.

Maybe she meant "are you happy with your weight now?" to which I would still reply WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT? Do you go around asking everyone if they're happy with their weight? Is that what you consider polite small talk amongst colleagues? Is anyone happy with their weight?

Excluding a minuscule few, who fully embrace their love handles and muffin top, the rest of us aren't happy. It doesn't mean we don't value ourselves or that we hate our bodies... We simply want to improve, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. We aim for progress, not perfection.

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